area 26 of Brodmann (guenon)
The term area 26 of Brodmann (guenon) refers to a subdivision of the cerebral cortex of the guenon defined on the basis of cytoarchitecture. The smallest of Brodmann's cortical areas in the monkey, it represents cortex that is less differentiated and relatively smaller in monkey and human than in other species. Brodmann regarded it as topographically and cytoarchitecturally homologous to the combined area 26 of Brodmann (human), area 29 of Brodmann-1909 (human) and area 30 of Brodmann (human) (Brodmann-1909). Distinctive features ( Brodmann-1905 ): thin cortex; distinct but narrow layers.
Also known as: No other name for this structure has appeared in PubMed.NeuroNames ID : 1031