basolateral amygdalar nucleus
Acronym: BLA
The term basolateral amygdalar nucleus (AMGbl) refers to a combination of three nuclei of the amygdala (AMG), which are located between the lateral amygdalar nucleus (AMGl) and the more medial accessory basal nucleus (AMGab). In the human and the macaque, it is identified by histology with multiple stains and is composed of the large, more dorsal parvicellular basolateral amygdalar nucleus (AMGblpv), the intermediate magnocellular basolateral amygdalar nucleus (AMGblmc) and the much thinner, most ventral paralaminar amygdalar nucleus (AMGpl) ( Amaral-1992 ).
      In the rat ( Paxinos-2009b Swanson-2004 ) and mouse ( Hof-2000 ), the AMBbl is subdivided by location rather than by histological criteria: anterior part of the basolateral nucleus (AMGbla), posterior part of the basolateral nucleus (AMGblp), ventral part of the basolateral nucleus (AMGblv). Updated 27 Oct 2024.

Also known as: basal amygdaloid nucleus, basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, Nucleus amygdaloideus basalisNeuroNames ID : 246

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