caudal part of ventral secondary motor cortex
The term caudal part of ventral secondary motor cortex refers to the more posterior of two areas of ventral premotor cortex defined in the precentral gyrus of the macaque on the basis of internal structure, connections and function ( Matelli-2004 ). Electrical stimulation of the area elicits movements of the upper body: arms, neck, face and mouth. Neurons in the area fire in response to touch and to visual stimuli. The response fields of neurons that respond to stimuli of both modalities cover the same body part(s) regardless of the direction of gaze. Some fire during arm movements toward or a way from the body, others during movements of the face and mouth. The caudal part of ventral premotor cortex in the macaque is also known as area F4. The more anterior area is the rostral part of ventral premotor cortexx (area F5).
Also known as: area F4NeuroNames ID : 3166