area F2d
The term area F2d refers to the more medial of two areas of the caudal part of dorsal premotor cortex (F2) in the macaque ( Matelli-2004 ). As the larger part, it surrounds the superior precentral sulcus in the precentral gyrus. It is defined on the basis of internal structure, connections and function. Its primary inputs are from area PEC and area PEip; it receives little or no input from prefrontal cortex (macaque). Most neurons are responsive to proprioceptive somatosensory stimuli. Electrical stimulation of the area medial to the sulcus elicits leg movements; stimulation lateral to it elicits arm movements. The more ventral and rostral of the two areas is area F2vr.
Also known as: F2 dimpleNeuroNames ID : 3171