area 25
The term area 25 (25) refers to a part of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) identified histologically by multiple stains in the human, macaque, rat and mouse ( Vogt-2013 ). It is agranular cortex located, in the human, in the subcallosal gyrus (SBG) ventral to the genu of the corpus callosum (gcc). In the macaque it is located similarly ventral to the gcc, but in the anterior cingulate gyrus (ACG); the macaque lacks a SBG distinct from the ACG ( Martin-2000 ). In the rat and mouse 25 is located rostral to the gcc, ( Vogt-2013 ). Major ascending input to 25 in the macaque is from the amygdala (AMG) ( Vogt-2012 ), particularly the basolateral amygdalar nucleus (AMGbl) and the accessory basal nucleus of the amygdala (AMGab) and the hippocampus (HPP): CA1 field (CA1) and subiculum (SUB).. Other cortical inputs are largely from the Frontal lobe (FLB), particularly areas of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFCdl): area 46 and area 9, and medial areas of the orbital network ( Wallis-2011 ), area 10o, that provide input are area 10 at the frontal pole, area 13 located posterocentrally in the orbital gyri (ORG) and its medial neighbor, area 14, ( Petrides-2012 ). . Major outputs from 25 in the macaque, rat, and mouse, and presumably the human, are to the ventral striatum STRv, particularly the nucleus accumbens (ACB) and neighboring ventral head of the caudate nucleus (CDNh) ( Chiba-2001 Wise-2008 ). Both are major components of the dopaminergic reward system ( Bowden-2022 ). A major downstream projection is to the amygdala (AMG), particularly the basolateral amygdalar nucleus (AMGbl) and the accessory basal nucleus of the amygdala (AMGab) ( Chiba-2001 ).. Functionally 25 is a high-level controller of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) ( Cechetto-2014 ). Electrical stimulation of 25 in the macaque is almost exclusively rewarding ( Bowden-2022 ). In the squirrel monkey stimulation evokes a number of largely parasympathetic autonomic effects including salivation, cardiac slowing, penile erection, urination and defecation ( Dua-1964). Updated 25 Sep 2024..
Also known as: No other name for this structure has appeared in PubMed.NeuroNames ID : 3490