The lateral cervical nucleus of cat, dog and man
Truex RC, Taylor MJ, Smythe MQ, Gildenberg PL
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2004, Oct;139(1): 93-103.
This nucleus was identified in four cats, four dogs and nine human spinal cords, but was not identifiable in seven other human specimens. In all three species the nucleus extends rostrally into the lower third of the medulla. Cell measurements of the perikarya yielded a mean diameter of 34.1 in the dog, 26.7 in the cat, and 15.7 in man. Nuclear diameters as well as the nucleus-cytoplasm and volume ratios were determined. The lateral cervical nucleus is considered to be rudimentary in man and was a well-defined structure in only 2 of 16 specimens. In one of these two cases a total of 5173 cells were counted in the nuclei of both sides at the C1 and medullary levels. The pertinence of these observations to the preservation of tactile sensation after injury of the dorsal columns in man, is discussed.
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