anterior olfactory nucleus
The term anterior olfactory nucleus refers to the most rostral group of nerve cells that receive input from the main olfactory bulb. The cells are identified histologically by Nissl stain. In the human and the macaque they form small groups scattered within the olfactory tract from the main olfactory bulb through the olfactory peduncle to a much larger group on the dorsal surface of the tract on the underside of the orbital gyri. It is composed of several subgroups, which are defined by topology. Since the overall structure of the nucleus differs by species, the subgroups vary considerably. The human has only bulbar, medial, and lateral subdivisions ( Price-2004 ). The macaque has, in addition, external and dorsal subdivisions ( Price-2004 ). The rat has medial, lateral, dorsal, external and posteroventral parts ( Swanson-2004 ). And the mouse has the same as the rat except for a ventral part and no posteroventral part ( Hof-2000 ). The nucleus is part of the olfactory system, which mediates the sense of smell.
Also known as: retrobulbar region, Nucleus olfactorius anterior, Regio retrobulbarisNeuroNames ID : 280