NeuroNames English Hierarchy: vestibulospinal tracts
Location in English Hierarchy of Brain Structures
medullary white matter
Volumetric Structures
White Primary Structures
juxtarestiform body
predorsal bundle
inferior cerebellar peduncle
dorsolateral fasciculus of the medulla
dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of the medulla
medial longitudinal fasciculus of the medulla
solitary tract
tectospinal tract of the medulla
medial lemniscus of the medulla
decussation of the medial lemniscus
cuneate fasciculus of the medulla
gracile fasciculus of the medulla
spinal trigeminal tract of the medulla
accessory nerve fibers
glossopharyngeal nerve fibers
vagal nerve fibers
internal arcuate fibers
dorsal external arcuate fibers
ventral external arcuate fibers
hypoglossal nerve fibers
pyramidal decussation
pyramidal tract
lateral corticospinal tract of the medulla
anterior corticospinal tract of the medulla
cuneocerebellar tract
olivocerebellar tract
reticulospinal tracts
rubrospinal tract
dorsal spinocerebellar tract of the medulla
ventral spinocerebellar tract
spino-olivary tracts
spinothalamic tract of the medulla
tectobulbar tract
vestibulospinal tracts
vestibulocochlear nerve fibers
NeuroNames Copyright 1991-present University of Washington
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