in the Classical Primate Brain
Standard Name in NeuroNames
(Name in Model if different)
anterior column of the fornix
precommissural fornix
body of the fornix
posterior column of the fornix
hippocampal commissure
(commissure of the fornix)
substantia innominata
basal nucleus
(basal forebrain nucleus)
islands of Calleja
nucleus accumbens
main olfactory bulb
(olfactory bulb)
anterior olfactory nucleus
medial olfactory gyrus
olfactory tubercle
olfactory peduncle
(olfactory tract)
olfactory tract
diagonal band
stria terminalis
ventral amygdalofugal projection
cerebral white matter
internal capsule
anterior limb of the internal capsule
genu of the internal capsule
posterior limb of the internal capsule
lenticulothalamic part of the internal capsule
retrolenticular part of the internal capsule
sublenticular part of the internal capsule
semioval center
corpus callosum
anterior forceps of the corpus callosum
rostrum of the corpus callosum
genu of the corpus callosum
body of the corpus callosum
splenium of the corpus callosum
posterior forceps of the corpus callosum
anterior commissure
olfactory limb of the anterior commissure
(anterior part of the anterior commissure)
temporal limb of the anterior commissure
(posterior part of the anterior commissure)
decussation of the anterior commissure
lamina terminalis
external capsule
extreme capsule
occipital lobe white matter
lingual white matter
cuneate white matter
inferior occipital white matter
annectant white matter
occipital white matter
limbic white matter
cingulate white matter
anterior cingulate white matter
posterior cingulate white matter
isthmus of cingulate white matter
parahippocampal white matter
posterior parahippocampal white matter
entorhinal white matter
parietal white matter
postcentral white matter
precuneate white matter
angular white matter
superior parietal white matter
supramarginal white matter
temporal white matter
inferior temporal white matter
superior temporal white matter
middle temporal white matter
fusiform white matter
frontal white matter
lateral orbital white matter
precentral white matter
medial orbital white matter
superior frontal white matter
inferior frontal white matter
middle frontal white matter
straight white matter
fronto-orbital white matter
lateral ventricle
choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle
tela choroidea of the lateral ventricle
frontal horn of the lateral ventricle
body of the lateral ventricle
temporal horn of the lateral ventricle
occipital horn of the lateral ventricle
terminal velum
basal ganglia
caudate nucleus
head of the caudate nucleus
body of the caudate nucleus
tail of the caudate nucleus
globus pallidus
lateral globus pallidus
medial globus pallidus
lateral medullary lamina
medial medullary lamina
accessory medullary lamina
corticomedial nuclear group
anterior amygdalar area
periamygdalar cortex
(cortical amygdalar nucleus)
medial amygdalar nucleus
nucleus of the olfactory tract
(nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract)
central amygdalar nucleus
basolateral nuclear group
lateral amygdalar nucleus
basolateral amygdalar nucleus
medial part of the basal amygdalar nucleus
accessory basal nucleus
(basomedial amygdalar nucleus)
intercalated amygdalar nuclei
endopiriform nucleus
(claustral amygdalar area)
septum pellucidum
cave of the septum pellucidum
lamina of the septum pellucidum
septal nuclei
dorsal septal nucleus
lateral septal nucleus
medial septal nucleus
triangular septal nucleus
septofimbrial nucleus
nucleus of the diagonal band
nucleus of the anterior commissure
nucleus of stria terminalis
(nucleus of the stria terminalis)
cerebral cortex
(cortical plate)
frontal lobe
transverse frontopolar gyri
inferior frontopolar gyrus
middle frontopolar gyrus
superior rostral gyrus
straight gyrus
precentral gyrus
orbital gyri
anterior orbital gyrus
posterior orbital gyrus
lateral orbital gyrus
medial orbital gyrus
superior frontal gyrus
middle frontal gyrus
inferior frontal gyrus
inferior rostral gyrus
parietal lobe
postcentral gyrus
superior parietal lobule
inferior parietal lobule
supramarginal gyrus
angular gyrus
accessory insular gyrus
transverse insular gyrus
precentral gyrus of the insula
long insular gyri
anterior long gyrus
posterior long gyrus
short insular gyri
anterior short gyrus
posterior short gyrus
middle short gyrus
occipital lobe
occipital gyrus
annectant gyrus
superior occipital gyrus
middle occipital gyrus
inferior occipital gyrus
lingual gyrus
temporal lobe
anterior transverse temporal gyrus
posterior transverse temporal gyrus
superior temporal gyrus
middle temporal gyrus
inferior temporal gyrus
fusiform gyrus
limbic lobe
paraterminal gyrus
supracallosal gyrus
indusium griseum
lateral longitudinal stria
medial longitudinal stria
fasciola cinerea
hippocampal complex
fimbriodentate sulcus
dentate gyrus
fascia dentata
hilus of the dentate gyrus
CA fields
(Ammon's horn)
CA1 field
(field CA1)
CA2 field
(field CA2)
CA3 field
(field CA3)
parahippocampal gyrus
piriform cortex
(prepyriform area)
entorhinal cortex
(entorhinal area)
posterior parahippocampal gyrus
cingulate gyrus
anterior cingulate gyrus
posterior cingulate gyrus
isthmus of the cingulate gyrus
subcallosal gyrus
(subcallosal area)
anterior nuclear group
anterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus
anteromedial nucleus of the thalamus
anteroventral nucleus of the thalamus
intralaminar nuclear group
rostral intralaminar nuclei
central dorsal nucleus
central lateral nucleus
central medial nucleus
paracentral nucleus
centromedian nucleus
parafascicular nucleus
midline nuclear group
paratenial nucleus
paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus
reuniens nucleus
rhomboid nucleus
(rhomboidal nucleus)
subfascicular nucleus
medial dorsal nucleus
paralaminar part of the medial dorsal nucleus
magnocellular part of the medial dorsal nucleus
parvicellular part of the medial dorsal nucleus
densocellular part of the medial dorsal nucleus
lateral nuclear group
lateral dorsal nucleus
lateral posterior nucleus
anterior pulvinar nucleus
(oral pulvinar nucleus)
lateral pulvinar nucleus
medial pulvinar nucleus
inferior pulvinar nucleus
ventral nuclear group
ventral anterior nucleus
parvicellular part of the ventral anterior nucleus
magnocellular part of the ventral anterior nucleus
ventral lateral nucleus
anterior ventral lateral nucleus
posterior ventral lateral nucleus
medial part of the ventral lateral nucleus
pars postrema of the ventral lateral nucleus
area X
ventral posterior nucleus
ventral posterolateral nucleus
oral part of the ventral posterolateral nucleus
caudal part of the ventral posterolateral nucleus
ventral posteroinferior nucleus
ventral posteromedial nucleus
principal part of the ventral posteromedial nucleus
parvicellular part of the ventral posteromedial nucleus
posterior nuclear complex
limitans nucleus
posterior nucleus of the thalamus
suprageniculate nucleus
submedial nucleus
reticular nucleus of the thalamus
thalamic fiber tracts
external medullary lamina
internal medullary lamina
anterior thalamic peduncle
superior thalamic peduncle
inferior thalamic peduncle
posterior thalamic peduncle
mammillothalamic tract of the thalamus
lateral geniculate complex
lateral geniculate nucleus
pregeniculate nucleus
medial geniculate body
dorsal nucleus of the medial geniculate body
ventral nucleus of the medial geniculate body
magnocellular nucleus of the medial geniculate body
capsule of the medial geniculate body
posterodorsal nucleus of the medial geniculate body
anterodorsal nucleus of the medial geniculate body
stratum zonale of the thalamus
lateral habenula
(lateral habenular nucleus)
medial habenula
(medial habenular nucleus)
pineal gland
(pineal body)
stria medullaris
habenular commissure
anterior hypothalamic region
anteroventral periventricular nucleus
organum vasculosum
(vascular organ of the lamina terminalis)
suprachiasmatic nucleus
supraoptic nucleus
anterior hypothalamic area
(anterior nucleus of the hypothalamus)
paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
dorsal supraoptic decussation
ventral supraoptic decussation
anterior hypothalamic commissure
supraopticohypophysial tract
preoptic area
median preoptic nucleus
preoptic periventricular nucleus
medial preoptic area
lateral preoptic area
intermediate hypothalamic region
intermediate periventricular nucleus
(periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, intermediate part)
arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus
retrochiasmatic area
dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus
ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus
median eminence
anterior median eminence
posterior median eminence
infundibular stem
pars nervosa
tuberal part of the hypophysis
intermediate part of the hypophysis
distal part of the hypophysis
posterior hypothalamic region
lateral mammillary nucleus
medial mammillary nucleus
medial part of the medial mammillary nucleus
lateral part of the medial mammillary nucleus
supramammillary area
(supramammillary nucleus)
premammillary nuclei
posterior periventricular nucleus
(periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, posterior part)
posterior hypothalamic area
(posterior nucleus of the hypothalamus)
supramammillary commissure
principal mammillary tract
(mammillary princeps fasciculus)
mammillotegmental fasciculus
mammillothalamic tract of the hypothalamus
mammillary peduncle
lateral hypothalamic area
tuberomammillary nucleus
lateral tuberal nuclei
dorsal hypothalamic area
postcommissural fornix
dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of the hypothalamus
subthalamic nucleus
nucleus of the ansa lenticularis
nucleus of field H
zona incerta
field H1
field H
field H2
capsule of the subthalamic nucleus
pallidohabenular bundle
ansa lenticularis
ansa peduncularis
velum interpositum
third ventricle
choroid plexus of the third ventricle
tela choroidea of the third ventricle
subfornical organ
suprapineal recess
pineal recess
optic recess
infundibular recess
interventricular foramen
optic chiasm
optic tract
fasciculus retroflexus of the interbrain
pretectal region
nucleus of the pretectal area
principal pretectal nucleus
nucleus of the optic tract
sublentiform nucleus
olivary pretectal nucleus
inferior colliculus
pericentral nucleus of the inferior colliculus
external nucleus of the inferior colliculus
central nucleus of the inferior colliculus
brachium of the inferior colliculus
commissure of the inferior colliculus
parabigeminal nucleus
subcommissural organ
posterior commissure
corticotectal tract
superior colliculus
brachium of the superior colliculus
commissure of the superior colliculi
(commissure of the superior colliculus)
cerebral peduncle
midbrain tegmentum
mesencephalic tract of the trigeminal nerve
midbrain trigeminal nucleus
(mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve)
cerebral aqueduct
periaqueductal gray
(central gray of the midbrain)
nucleus of the posterior commissure
dorsal raphe nucleus
trochlear nucleus
nucleus of Darkshevich
(nucleus of Darkschewitsch)
interstitial nucleus of Cajal
rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus
dorsal tegmental nucleus
ventral tegmental nucleus
linear nucleus of the raphe
(linear nucleus)
peripeduncular nucleus
ventral tegmental area
interpeduncular nucleus
dorsal tegmental decussation
ventral tegmental decussation
dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of the midbrain
medial longitudinal fasciculus of the midbrain
decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle
central tegmental tract of the midbrain
oculomotor nerve fibers
pallidotegmental fasciculus
lateral pes lemniscus
medial pes lemniscus
medial lemniscus of the midbrain
dentatothalamic tract
spinothalamic tract of the midbrain
oculomotor nuclear complex
dorsal oculomotor nucleus
intermediate oculomotor nucleus
medial oculomotor nucleus
ventral oculomotor nucleus
anterior median oculomotor nucleus
parvocellular oculomotor nucleus
central oculomotor nucleus
caudal central oculomotor nucleus
midbrain reticular formation
cuneiform nucleus
subcuneiform nucleus
pedunculopontine nucleus
(pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus)
red nucleus
parvocellular part of the red nucleus
magnocellular part of the red nucleus
capsule of the red nucleus
trochlear nerve fibers
fasciculus retroflexus of the midbrain
superior cerebellar peduncle of the midbrain
substantia nigra
pars compacta
pars reticulata
crus cerebri
basal pons
(basal part of the pons)
pontine nuclei
longitudinal pontine fibers
transverse pontine fibers
middle cerebellar peduncle
fourth ventricle
choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
tela choroidea of the fourth ventricle
lateral aperture
median aperture
lateral recess of the fourth ventricle
body of the fourth ventricle
pontine tegmentum
superior olivary complex
superior olive
lateral superior olivary nucleus
medial superior olivary nucleus
periolivary region
retro-olivary cell group
trapezoid nucleus
(trapezoid nuclei)
olivocochlear bundle
peduncle of the superior olive
motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
pontine reticular formation
paramedian raphe nucleus
median raphe nucleus
(superior central nucleus)
inferior central nucleus
nucleus of the medial eminence
rostral pontine reticular nucleus
(oral pontine reticular nucleus)
caudal pontine reticular nucleus
pontine central gray
(central gray of the pons)
reticulotegmental nucleus
facial nerve fibers
ascending fibers of the facial nerve
internal genu of the facial nerve
descending fibers of the facial nerve
locus ceruleus
subceruleus nucleus
(nucleus subceruleus)
abducens nucleus
facial nucleus
medial parabrachial nucleus
lateral parabrachial nucleus
nucleus raphe pontis
(pontine raphe nucleus)
superior salivatory nucleus
dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
superior medullary velum
trapezoid body
decussation of the trochlear nerve
uncinate fasciculus of the pons
abducens nerve fibers
dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of the pons
medial longitudinal fasciculus of the pons
central tegmental tract of the pons
dorsal acoustic stria
intermediate acoustic stria
ventral acoustic stria
dorsal trigeminal tract
trigeminal nerve fibers
motor root of the trigeminal nerve
lateral lemniscus
medial lemniscus of the pons
spinothalamic tract of the pons
tectopontine tract
ventral trigeminal tract
spinal trigeminal tract of the pons
vestibulocerebellar tract
superior cerebellar peduncle of the pons
oral part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus
cerebellar nuclei
emboliform nucleus
globose nucleus
fastigial nucleus
dentate nucleus
neodentate part of the dentate nucleus
paleodentate part of the dentate nucleus
amiculum of the dentate nucleus
hilum of the dentate nucleus
cerebellar white matter
arbor vitae
medullary body of the cerebellum
peduncle of the flocculus
superior medullary lamina
inferior medullary lamina
inferior medullary velum
cerebellar cortex
anterior lobe of the cerebellum
vermis of the anterior lobe
central lobule
hemisphere of the anterior lobe
anterior quadrangular lobule
alar central lobule
posterior lobe of the cerebellum
hemisphere of the posterior lobe
simple lobule
ansiform lobule
superior semilunar lobule
inferior semilunar lobule
gracile lobule
biventer lobule
cerebellar tonsil
vermis of the posterior lobe
flocculonodular lobe
cuneate tubercle
vestibular nuclei
superior vestibular nucleus
lateral vestibular nucleus
medial vestibular nucleus
descending vestibular nucleus
(inferior vestibular nucleus)
interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
commissural nucleus of the vagus nerve
dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve
central gray of the medulla
hypoglossal nucleus
nucleus prepositus
nucleus intercalatus
diffuse reticular nucleus
paratrigeminal nucleus
peritrigeminal nucleus
sublingual nucleus
inferior salivatory nucleus
ambiguous nucleus
(nucleus ambiguus)
gracile nucleus
(gracile nucleus of the medulla)
cuneate nucleus
(cuneate nucleus of the medulla)
accessory cuneate nucleus
lateral pericuneate nucleus
medial pericuneate nucleus
caudal part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus
area postrema
central canal of the medulla
pontobulbar nucleus
arcuate nucleus of the medulla
supraspinal nucleus
medullary anterior horn
medullary white matter
juxtarestiform body
predorsal bundle
inferior cerebellar peduncle
dorsolateral fasciculus of the medulla
dorsal longitudinal fasciculus of the medulla
medial longitudinal fasciculus of the medulla
solitary tract
tectospinal tract of the medulla
medial lemniscus of the medulla
decussation of the medial lemniscus
cuneate fasciculus of the medulla
gracile fasciculus of the medulla
spinal trigeminal tract of the medulla
accessory nerve fibers
glossopharyngeal nerve fibers
vagal nerve fibers
internal arcuate fibers
dorsal external arcuate fibers
ventral external arcuate fibers
hypoglossal nerve fibers
pyramidal decussation
pyramidal tract
lateral corticospinal tract of the medulla
anterior corticospinal tract of the medulla
cuneocerebellar tract
olivocerebellar tract
reticulospinal tracts
rubrospinal tract
dorsal spinocerebellar tract of the medulla
ventral spinocerebellar tract
spino-olivary tracts
spinothalamic tract of the medulla
(spinothalamic tract of medulla)
tectobulbar tract
vestibulospinal tracts
vestibulocochlear nerve fibers
interpolar part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus
inferior olivary complex
principal inferior olivary nucleus
dorsal accessory nucleus of the inferior olive
medial accessory nucleus of the inferior olive
amiculum of the inferior olive
hilum of the inferior olive
raphe nuclei of the medulla
nucleus raphe magnus
nucleus raphe obscurus
nucleus raphe pallidus
solitary nucleus
dorsolateral subnucleus of the solitary tract
dorsomedial subnucleus of the solitary tract
medial subnucleus of the solitary tract
parvicellular subnucleus of the solitary tract
ventrolateral subnucleus of the solitary tract
cochlear nuclei
dorsal cochlear nucleus
ventral cochlear nuclei
anteroventral cochlear nucleus
posteroventral cochlear nucleus
medullary reticular formation
lateral medullary reticular group
lateral reticular nucleus
parvicellular reticular nucleus
central medullary reticular group
gigantocellular nucleus
lateral paragigantocellular nucleus
dorsal paragigantocellular nucleus
ventral reticular nucleus
paramedian reticular nuclei
(paramedian medullary reticular group)
dorsal paramedian reticular nucleus
accessory paramedian reticular nucleus
ventral paramedian reticular nucleus
parasolitary nucleus
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